550 Recipient unknown
Hi Everyone, I have recently inherited an Exchange 2007 server in our organisation. Here is what I am trying to achieve: I have an MDaemon Server configured with an alias "user@domain1.com=user@domain2.com". Exchange 2007 handles all mail for "domain2.com". When internal and external users send mail to user@domain1.com the get a bounce back with the following error: user@domain1.com exchange.domain2.com #550 <user@domain1 .com> recipient unknown ## Now, I assumed this had to do with relay permissions but I'm confused because the error lists "recipient unknown" rather than "unable to relay". I've been looking at this article about creating an SMTP receive connector ( http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/networking/?p=373 ) but I'm not certain that this is the solution. I also have a concern that if I need to create an SMTP receive connector, is it an ABSOLUTE must that I add a second IP address to the nic on my Exchange 2007 server? This isn't really an option for me. FYI, I have created the user@domain2.com mailbox on the Exchange Server and can login to this from OWA. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks in advance,
February 20th, 2010 7:28pm
Hi,Can you send from the mdaemon server to the exchange server with unique accounts. So let's say:user2@domain1.com sends an e-mail to user10@domain2.comBesides this please check that the domain2.com is added as accepted domain on the Exchange server and that you created an e-mail address policy which assigns the domain to the mailaccounts on Exchange.Regards,JohanExchange-blog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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February 20th, 2010 7:53pm
Does domain1.com have an entry in the Accepted Domains list on the Exchange server?
February 20th, 2010 7:55pm
Thanks for the response, I'm new to this type of setup and I dont have access to the server at the moment so I'm going to have to do some searching on what you mentioned. On the other hand, I have added the user@doman1.com address to the user account in EMC under the email address in the properties of the user. MCSA, CCNA, JNCIA
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February 20th, 2010 8:01pm
I'm not sure on how to do this, although I am searching. Can you point me in the right direction? Time is scarce for me at the moment because this mailbox is used for "support" purposes and gets many, many mails.MCSA, CCNA, JNCIA
February 20th, 2010 8:02pm
Hi iRock,Just open the EMC go to Exchange organization configuration and select the Hub node.Then make sure on the accepted domains the domain is listed and on the e-mail address policy tab just create a new policy which assigns these addresses to users.Regards,JohanExchange-blog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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February 20th, 2010 8:04pm
also, i'm wondering is it safe to assume that this is not a relay authentication issue as I didn't receive an "unable to relay" error ?MCSA, CCNA, JNCIA
February 20th, 2010 8:04pm
Hi,You don't have to relay from the Exchange part, you only need to make sure you have a receive connector which accepts mail from anonymous recipients. This since when mail is delivered directly to Exchange from the internet users also won't authenticate.Regards,JohanExchange-blog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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February 20th, 2010 8:09pm